Contributed to reducing climate change and restoring deteriorating natural environments

Votre entreprise est-elle préoccupée par son empreinte environnementale ? Vous souhaitez avoir un impact positif sur le climat ? Ou vous participez à la préservation et à la restauration de la biodiversité ? Avec MyTree, agissez concrètement pour protéger l'environnement en plantant des arbres afin de réhabiliter les écosystèmes dégradés naturels et extraire le CO2 de l' atmosphère

Contribute to the carbon neutrality

Support the ecological transition by contributing to local CO2 reduction, capture, and storage projects, making it possible to reduce the concentration of Greenhouse Gases in the atmosphere and to strengthen and preserve local biodiversity. .

Participate in planting trees

Contribute to tree planting projects in Algeria near you by sponsoring it and following its progress. By planting fruit trees and participating in restoring natural ecosystems and providing a sustainable food source. .

Combine planting a tree with daily actions in your business

He achieved three goals that one by combining trees cultivating with approval procedures for Islamic and simple law: digitization of bills, selling or service, etc. Recycling the entire regions easily with your customers (وَمَنْ أَحْيَاهَا فَكَأَنَّمَا أَحْيَا النَّاسَ جَمِيعاً). .

Ils ont planté avec

You have a sustainable development project in your company?

0555 667 779

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